The project includes the following activities and outputs:
The overview of papers, research reports aimed at mapping activities and their outputs tracking changes in behaviour/business models of cultural organisations and individuals and changes in public support systems in the Czech Republic and at European level.
Mapping model examples of support measures/schemes reflecting covid-induced changes at national, regional and local level within selected countries and cities.
Mapping working conditions and carriers of artists.
Workshop on the topic iof the Status of the Artist.
The final report with examples of current topics, good practice and recommendations for the cultural policy.
The international conference presenting the findings, examples of good practice and recommendations.
Post Covid Adaptation Models in Culture. Final report of the project. Authors: Jana Návratová, Pavla Petrová, Marek Prokůpek, Eva Žáková, ATI 2024.
Qualitative study of the work situation for musicians and theatre artists following the pandemic/Kvalitativní studie o pracovních podmínkách hudebníků a divadelních umělců po pandemii COVID-19. Arts and Culture Norway, April 2023.
Findings from mapping studies capturing the impact of the pandemic and support programmes
Mapping the papers of the Impact of the Pandemic on the Cultural Sector and its Restart/Mapování studií zachycujících dopady pandemie na kulturní sektor a následný restart. Authors: Pavla Petrová, Marek Prokůpek, Eva Žáková, ATI 2024. (in Czech)
Mapping Model Changes in Public Support Programmes for Culture/Mapování modelových změn programů veřejné podpory kultury. Authors: Pavla Petrová, Marek Prokůpek, Eva Žáková, ATI 2024. (in Czech)
Mapping the Working Conditions of Artists in the Czech Republic/Mapování pracovních podmínek umělkyň a umělců v České republice. Authors: Jana Návratová, Barbora Slaběňáková, Anna Štičková, Viktor Debnár, Marek Prokůpek, Monika Klementová, ATI 2024. (in Czech)