The catalogue was created as a part of a collective exhibition of the work of the stage designer ac. arch. Milona Kališ, which took place from 17 June to 10 July 2011 in the Clam-Gallas Palace Gallery in Prague. The scenographer Miloň Kališ graduated from the University of Applied Arts, studio of architecture, under the guidance of Professor Josef Svoboda (interior design, scenography and exhibition design), where he later also worked as an assistant and associate professor. From 1985 to 1987, he served as head of set design at the E. F. Burian Theatre. He worked in a number of Czech and Moravian theatres, but also in the American Lit Moon Theatre Company. It was for the productions of Hamlet (2001) and Hypocrite (2003) that he won the Independent Theatre Award for set design. Miloň Kališ has collaborated with directors Lucie Bělohradská, Miroslav Krobot, Peter Scherhaufer, Helena Glancová and Miroslav Macháček, among others. He has regularly collaborated on productions by his sister, director Jana Kališová, with whom he has created almost 50 joint titles. The main exhibition artefacts will include not only scenic and costume designs, but also three-dimensional models of scenes and photographs. Kališ's artistic handwriting has an undeniable artistic value, so the exhibition will undoubtedly appeal not only to visitors interested in theatre, but also in visual arts.